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Assisi House

Located in the San Francisco Mission District, Assisi House hosts a myriad of events including individual and group retreats, workshops and spiritual salons.

Assisi House
Assisi House

Time & Location

Dates based on availability

San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, USA


We offer the following: 

Personal  & Group Retreats Rooms at Assisi House are available for personal or group retreats by request for a small fee. There are also additional spaces within the house for solitary reflection or communal gathering.

Digital Detox In our over connected and over-screened lives, we sometimes need a digital fast to reconnect with our own hearts and the heart of God. If you'd like to experience a Digital Detox, you can arrange one throughout the year- weekends, day retreats and even device free meals. 

Art Space

The Assisi House is able to host small art shows in our 12' by 17' where you can also enjoy refreshments and hors d'oeuvres.

Meditation in Motion is a modality of Spiritual Direction facilitated by Julie Barrios and Jenn Yoo to support Christians in a more deeply embodied prayer life. Events are hosted at the Assisi House throughout the year or can potentially be provided at your desired location. Find out more here.

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